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Content marketing is all about giving a compelling story. Each day, as much as 27 million pieces of content are being shared online.

People online love blogs. As a matter of fact, businesses with an active blog get as much as 67% more leads each month.

A blog that can consistently provide informative content can easily become a valued resource for people in the industry. Never be afraid to share your ideas with your clients through blogs.  The content that you make for your clients through your company can help build trust and credibility.

The average marketer uses as much as 12 different tactics when it comes to their content strategy. Many content marketers use multi-tasking and a lot of social media platforms today are able to join the content marketing fray. You can use multitasking to find out where your target audience stays online so you can build your followers there. However, not all social media platforms are good for you. This is why you need to find the one that suits your customers and business best.

As much as 82% of B2C companies make use of content marketing. This is why you need to get connected and to get social. Many B2C companies now realize the importance of having an organized content marketing effort.  Many of them also turn to social media when it comes to getting recommendations, reviews and even demonstrations. By adapting social media into content marketing, it can be very easy for you to expand your audience and build your company’s own social community. You can also turn your customers into your very own brand voice by encouraging them to leave feedback, by monitoring your forums, and by asking them for their thoughts.

As a matter of fact, as much as 33% of B2B companies invest in content marketing. Content marketing is a valuable tool. As an expert in your own industry, you should take the time to share your expertise with others. People want to learn, and who better to teach them than the brands whom they have learned to trust. Turn clients into brand ambassadors by engaging them and by giving them informative and interactive content.

As a matter of fact, blogs and social media can reach 8 out of 10 internet users. Are you visible online? A lot of consumers love to do online searches so they can get information, reviews, and so that they can get educated before the purchasing begins. This is why your company should be visible online especially on important social media platforms. Try to check where your clients interact with your brand the most. Create a content strategy that can help you take advantage of social media so you can get more traffic to your website.

As much as 66% of content marketers use emails for content sharing. Forwarding emails is still the number one way of sharing content online. By creating a cohesive and consistent email marketing plan, you can easily share content to your clients. Just be sure to place options for social media sharing or email forwarding in your content.

As much as 47% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn. Your company needs to use LinkedIn shares for more credibility. As your direct connection to professionals within your industry, LinkedIn can be used to connect with your clients through informative content. LinkedIn’s latest enhancements for content marketing are also definitely worth checking out. You can also create a company LinkedIn page so you can make a distinct voice for your business.  You need to engage with your community on LinkedIn and you need to make sure that your salesforce also does the same.

A whopping 87% of all B2B companies use social media for content sharing. This is because companies who are willing to engage clients can create solid connections. Let your content marketing team take a close look at your company and let them brainstorm on what relevant topics should be shared on social media. This will allow your company to share its own story and increase web traffic at the same time. A humanized brand can have a huge positive impact on customers. And you can do this simply by being open and by engaging your clients on social media.  Just remember to share relevant content and to engage them where they are most active.

Companies that post as much as 15 blogs per month can get five times more traffic. If you want to increase traffic, make sure that you have a blog. Websites that blog get 97% more indexed links as well as 437% more indexed pages. Blogging can increase online credibility, search engine ranking, and leads! Blogs can help solidify your SEO efforts by providing content which can be indexed for your website. You can even take advantage of hot button keywords to increase your search traffic, and you can use the blog to increase internal and external links for web credibility. Starting a blog for your company is definitely a must!

Only 44% of online businesses choose to outsource their content. Although it is very easy to outsource content, creating in-house content can help you get something more unique and personal. You can ask people in your company to write content. Even if you will have to edit it before publishing, it will still be better than outsourced content simply because it is in the original voice of the company. Keeping an in-house content marketing team can be quite expensive. But by weighing the pros and cons, your company can decide whether it will benefit more from outsourcing or from in-house content marketing.

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